Monthly Archives: July 2021

Week 26: One year of David and Daddy

This week makes a full year of (sadly, only 5%) time with David. We took a break from the Still Run Ridge trail on our walk this Saturday to go back to the Horsepen Knob trail, one of our favorites, … Continue reading

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Week 25: G. I. Joe and the vegetable garden

Someone at the “Mullens Opportunity Center” (a converted high school across the road from where I usually stay) had planted a vegetable garden a few weeks ago; we saw it on our walks around the building, along the railing, down … Continue reading

Posted in David Geoffrey, Hiking, Second Exile | Leave a comment

Wyoming County roundabout

In my exile to see my son, we are limited (by court order and Honey’s refusal) to Wyoming County, West Virginia, one of the poorest counties in an already poor state, where the main industry is probably the service industry … Continue reading

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