Category Archives: Hiking

Week 26: One year of David and Daddy

This week makes a full year of (sadly, only 5%) time with David. We took a break from the Still Run Ridge trail on our walk this Saturday to go back to the Horsepen Knob trail, one of our favorites, … Continue reading

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Week 25: G. I. Joe and the vegetable garden

Someone at the “Mullens Opportunity Center” (a converted high school across the road from where I usually stay) had planted a vegetable garden a few weeks ago; we saw it on our walks around the building, along the railing, down … Continue reading

Posted in David Geoffrey, Hiking, Second Exile | Leave a comment

Week 24: Red party streamers on the Still Run Ridge trail

I brought the guitar in from the trunk and we sang our two hits: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Jesus Loves Me, and then I played/sang a few other songs from the book–a book of hymns for guitar my dad … Continue reading

Posted in David Geoffrey, Hiking, Second Exile | Leave a comment

Week 21: T-Ball and Rock Climbing!

This week I introduced David to T-ball with a set I packed (instead of the basketball net). He caught on quickly and was giving the ball some good thwacks, or enjoyed getting it (he’s not quite catching flys yet) when … Continue reading

Posted in David Geoffrey, Hiking, Playground, Second Exile | Leave a comment

Hiking the “Nature Trail” on a Chilly Day, and a New Hat

On Saturdays, it became our habit to hike one of the trails at Twin Falls, and we have done several of them. Today we hiked the Nature Trail, a 1 ¼ mile loop that crosses the Falls Trail and touches … Continue reading

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