Category Archives: David Geoffrey

Finally home

It took six years, but finally, on May 2, 2024, forever “Homecoming Day,” David was able to come home (for a few days); and this is the way of it. On Monday April 22, after a positive parenting evaluation, I … Continue reading

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Overnights, Graduation, and Home?

I have had not been able to update this site as much as I had wished, and I have so many pictures and videos of David and the things we’ve done together Although I didn’t think I would be able … Continue reading

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Week 27: The last, until David can come home

For reasons that will be revealed later, I will no longer be able to travel the 400 miles presently required to see my son after this week. I never should have had to do that the first place. David loves … Continue reading

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Week 26: One year of David and Daddy

This week makes a full year of (sadly, only 5%) time with David. We took a break from the Still Run Ridge trail on our walk this Saturday to go back to the Horsepen Knob trail, one of our favorites, … Continue reading

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Week 25: G. I. Joe and the vegetable garden

Someone at the “Mullens Opportunity Center” (a converted high school across the road from where I usually stay) had planted a vegetable garden a few weeks ago; we saw it on our walks around the building, along the railing, down … Continue reading

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Week 24: Red party streamers on the Still Run Ridge trail

I brought the guitar in from the trunk and we sang our two hits: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Jesus Loves Me, and then I played/sang a few other songs from the book–a book of hymns for guitar my dad … Continue reading

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Week 23: “Pieces” and the Buck Run trail

New book this week, Optical Physics for Babies (part of the series with Electro-Magnetism etc.), which he liked. I’d like to get a prism to show him dispersion (rainbow from white light). On Sunday it rained hard, so we stayed … Continue reading

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Week 22: Sliding, races, and the Hemlock Trail

Usually with the blocks David likes to segregate them by color, but this time I talked him through building a structure like on the back of the box, which he enjoyed. Before building, we walked to the store (7-Eleven) and … Continue reading

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Week 21: T-Ball and Rock Climbing!

This week I introduced David to T-ball with a set I packed (instead of the basketball net). He caught on quickly and was giving the ball some good thwacks, or enjoyed getting it (he’s not quite catching flys yet) when … Continue reading

Posted in David Geoffrey, Hiking, Playground, Second Exile | Leave a comment

Week 20: “Up the Steps,” More Blocks, and the Slide Loop

Next to where I stay most of the week in WV at the Highwater Inn, there is a good-sized field of grass, David and I play there, and while the Inn owner doesn’t own it it’s FEMA-owned or something like … Continue reading

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