Category Archives: Fatherhood

Finally home

It took six years, but finally, on May 2, 2024, forever “Homecoming Day,” David was able to come home (for a few days); and this is the way of it. On Monday April 22, after a positive parenting evaluation, I … Continue reading

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Law school: another way to fight

I am a JD (Juris Doctor, law degree) candidate at Indiana University Maurer School of Law. I started there this August. It has been an amazing experience. My main “doctrinal” courses (required, no electives in “1L” year) are Civil Procedure, … Continue reading

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Introduction and Welcome

My name is David Robins. In March 2018, my wife left our home in Indiana with our seven-month old son David Geoffrey. David has been kept from me for most of time since. This summer (2024) David has finally been … Continue reading

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