Monthly Archives: February 2021

Week 15: Drawing, David and Daddy hiking

We walked (some of) the Cliffside Trail this week, which we haven’t for a while – since summer, when we would have our picnic on the rocks at the cliff. That worked better when I was at the campsite in … Continue reading

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Photo import tool

I put this in the (new for this post) Technical category, and installed Ultimate Category Excluder to exclude it from the home page because I don’t think most people are that interested. So if you’re reading this, you probably searched … Continue reading

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“Catch Daddy!”

I didn’t think much could top “sack of potatoes” in David’s eyes, but lately I’ve been running ahead of him and inviting him to “catch Daddy,” trailing one hand so he can catch it, or, which he likes even better, … Continue reading

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Rearranging the drive to WV

Since July 2020, when we got the order for me see David, even though the time given was very limited, I have been driving from my home–our home–in Indiana to West Virginia every other Sunday, and home Saturday. I like … Continue reading

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Introduction and Welcome

My name is David Robins. In March 2018, my wife left our home in Indiana with our seven-month old son David Geoffrey. David has been kept from me for most of time since. This summer (2024) David has finally been … Continue reading

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Week 14: At the playground, baking cookies, doing puzzles

Sunday, January 31, 2021 to Saturday, February 6, 2021. Although this is the 14th week, and more than that since this is my second exile to West Virginia, after I finally got court-ordered time with David after she withheld him … Continue reading

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