Week 14: At the playground, baking cookies, doing puzzles

Sunday, January 31, 2021 to Saturday, February 6, 2021.

Although this is the 14th week, and more than that since this is my second exile to West Virginia, after I finally got court-ordered time with David after she withheld him completely for over a year and a half, this is the first one I’m writing, so still figuring out workflow and how I want to arrange things. I want to let family and friends know how David’s doing, and show pictures of him from our time together. I take a lot with my cell phone when I must and camera when I can, in hopes of preserving a moment. When I look at them I remember the brief times we have together, but I think I miss him even more.

I’ve written separately about David moving out of the kid swings with leg-holes this week. A few other pictures from our time at the playground, and walking across the nearby bridge, then he likes to walk on the low stone wall beside the road, and jump down from it:

We also made chocolate chip cookies this week – I packed in mixing bowls and measuring spoons and non-perishable ingredients, and we bought a dozen eggs to get one (I gave the rest to Honey). David enjoyed looking in the oven with the light on and watching the balls of dough change into flat cookies. The recipe made a bunch, so Honey got some and so did the owner of the place I was staying in.

Since it’s cold out we spent a lot of time indoors at the Highwater; we went back to puzzles this week, moving up from the 2×2 to 2×3 3×3 and 3×4. He needed some prompting to turn some pieces around or to look for certain matching elements, but had fun and seemed to feel some accomplishment when he got a piece to fit or finished a picture. He’s also been drinking from an open cup for quite a while with me – he’s not completely confident yet, but he does fine. He tried a plum and really liked it–I picked one up on our Sunday grocery shopping trip–so I picked up a couple more the next day.

And finally, a few pictures from our Saturday morning hike at Twin Falls – we did the Nature Trail again; it’s a convenient loop, not too long, and has a good place to sit in the wide walkway where it overlaps the Falls Trail.

We watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang over the week, which he really enjoyed. I also had him type on the computer (Notepad with a large font)–his name, APPLE, BANANA, etc.–he had to look a little for the letters, since a keyboard doesn’t have them in the order he expects.

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