Week 22: Sliding, races, and the Hemlock Trail

Usually with the blocks David likes to segregate them by color, but this time I talked him through building a structure like on the back of the box, which he enjoyed. Before building, we walked to the store (7-Eleven) and got drinks. We also built a fort again–like in his Pretend book. Nothing “new” as such, but I like to choose and share pictures even so. And he still enjoys the racetrack, although maybe it’s getting to where he enjoys helping assemble it more than playing with it!

Here’s a set from going down the slide; as I’ve mentioned he’s been iffy/back-and-forth on whether he wants to go down it himself, but confidence will come and I’ll enjoy those times where he prefers to slide on daddy’s lap while he still wants to (he also likes to slide down daddy’s legs sometimes when he’s inside).

With T-ball he likes to take a one-handed swing (above) but we’re working on two hands and he does that usually now. It’s hard to be coach, fielder, and photographer–one reason God designed families to have two parents (!), and it would be so much better (obviously for more reasons than this) if we were a complete family again.

We walked (part of) the Hemlock Trail at the park this week, and finished The Silver Chair.

David loves to get hugs–“big hug!”–he’ll climb over from his chair next to mine for a hug, or when he’s sitting on my lap and we’re reading or watching a movie he’ll randomly turn around for a hug. I hang on to the memory of those in the evenings after he has to leave.

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